Our customer guide III

This is the third part of the article Our customer guide I and Our customer guide II. Repeated tests and bug bounty program The results of the performed penetration test or security audit are valid only to the specific date when the customer receives the final report. Neither we nor any other IT security company in […]

PWK/OSCP and CTP/OSCE – A review and comparison

Introduction Greetings, although I am widely known as sabretooth in the hackchallenge community, I adopted the nick Dyntra for Offensive Security and many know me by this name. Feel free to say hi on either irc.wechall.net (#revolutionelite #wechall) or chat.freenode.net (#offsec) OSCP It has been a few years since I passed Offensive Security’s OSCP certification. […]

OSCE review

Niekoľko dní po skončení OSCP som sa zapísal na pokročilejší kurz Cracking the Perimeter (OSCE). Pred samotným zaplatením je potrebné splniť triviálnu úlohu na fc4.me, ktorá má slúžiť na overenie toho, či disponujete minimálnymi znalosťami potrebnými pre daný kurz. Pri voľbe dĺžky kurzu odporúčam zvoliť si 30 a nie 60 dní.