Boycott ISS security conference in Prague - Nethemba


Boycott ISS security conference in Prague

2016-03-14 19:21 Pavol Lupták

During 7-9.6.2016, ISS security conference will take a place in Prague. This conference is sponsored by very controversial companies ( FinFisher / Gamma Group / Hacking Team). For more information see sponsors. All these companies are responsible for selling their malware products to dictatorship governments which use this product to spy, monitor and consequently put in jail political activists and dissidents.

For more information see the presentation „FinFisher – top government spying.“ or read articles / watch video (in Slovak language only):

Máte strach o Vaše súkromie? Bojte sa SIS.

Je možné sa brániť voči FinFisher špehovaniu?

Video FinFisher – „špehovanie“ občanov v praxi.

If you consider this behaviour unethical, please boycott this conference and share this message!